Congratulations to our Competent Communicators!!

Congratulations to Khairul, Joshua, Gaelle, Cin Yee for completing their competent communicator manual. Each has grown and developed so much over the journey of 10 speeches in the manual.

All four did their last speech in one night. Our club has now attained Distinguished Club.

Also in picture is our president Robin and P4 area governor Benny.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


A said…
Hi, I'd like to join the ITC Bintang Toastmaster Club.

How do I get in touch?

Hi A,

sorry for the delay reply.
We will be having our next meeting on the 20th June (Wed), you can drop by and visit us:) It's in Level 2, Federal Hotel.

May i have your email address for the agenda & updates of the next meeting.

You can also contact our Vice President Membership, Gabriel, 019 8195 884,