ITC Bintang and Persona TM Joint Installation

On the 28th of July 2012, we have installed our new exco for 2012/2013 and had a lot of fun doing it. We were joined by friends from Persona TM to make it a memorable event. Plenty of laughter and good times were shared amongst our members from both clubs.


This is how the cafe looked before we mobbed the place. A comfy and welcoming atmosphere. We had Gabriel to manned the reception table, welcoming all the guest.

Buka Puasa

The dinner served here was something to remember. Great food and cheerful people filled the room with excitement and chatter.

The Oath Takers

The EXCOs on both sides taking an oath of service that was led by our Area Governor, Melvin Tham. We'll make sure that they keep their promise and make us proud.

"I didn't just help to break the ice. The ice is so crushed, we can make sorbet with it"
Justin Jesunathan
Tip: Whenever you plan for an activity, always leave room for people to surprise you with their creativity.

Game Sessions

Something fishy is going on here but I just can't put my finger on it.

We almost died laughing from this...

"For the last time, Robin is telling the truth!"
A very disgruntled Nazaruddin
Special Thanks to Naza of Persona for entertaining us thoroughly.

Lucky Draw and Prize Giving

Our very green toastmaster of the evening, Ivan conducting the lucky draw.

Winners of the games are receiving their eco-friendly prizes.

Group Photo

There you have it, one large happy family that is Going Green.

