Halloween Special 2012

 On the 31st of October 2012, a spooky event was brewing in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Never has there ever been a Toastmasters meeting such as this. Twas a night to remember indeed!

 All manner of creatures had come forth to usher in A Toastmasters' Halloween Special at Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Emceed by pirate, Capt. Justin and lead by restless spirit, Tham Cinyee, a chain of ghost stories and activities that evoked ghostly laughter had taken place.

Full House!
Our honored guests from the nether realms are seated and the ghost stories are about to begin.

The lights were dimmed and the atmosphere was set.
We enjoyed 10 ghost stories told by those who seemed to be 'touched' by the otherside.

We recreated popular spooky scenes and made silly halloween messages.
Then laughed the whole night away.
"I think we laughed more over here than in any humorous speech contest"
-A ghouly guest

The three winners of the evening!

Well now. It seems that here at Toastmasters, we have a lot of spirits!
Thank you for making this evening a memorable one...

...as our dedicated team enjoyed pulling it together for you!
