Thanksgiving - Gratitude

Theme: Thanksgiving
Toastmasters of the evening: Chan Gaolan, CC. 

20th November 2013 was one of the most special meeting of the year as we had a very distinguished guest, Joseph Gomez, DTM, International Director. He shared with us his path from a club member all the way to becoming an International Director. His sharing of his commitment of doing one prepared speech a month over the past 14 years was truly inspirational. He also answered few of our questions on the future direction of Toastmasters. Joseph was able to present respective awards to ITC Bintang and its members who were recognised at the recent District 51 Semi Annual Convention.

Table topic master, Patrine 

Table topic evaluator, Shirlene Liew, TM

Ivan using a prop to demonstrate his point to Melvin

Special thanks to our General Evaluator, Jennifer Pan, CC ALB from Crystal TMC, Area Gov B4

Chen Gaolan receiving a token of appreciation from Joseph Gomez for representing Div P at the District 51 contest

President Distinguish Area Governor Award 2012/2013, Immediate Past Area Governor, Melvin Tham

President Distinguish Award 2012/2013, Immediate Past President, Tham Cinyee

She was enlighten and enjoyed the meeting and enjoy the meeting very much.

Patch providing his insight as a guest for the first time
