Then and Now Meeting @ 20 July'16

This evening we had one of our club meeting highest turn up of 35 people. Thumbs up for our GE of the evening Area P5 Director Rhoda Omar for the head count.
We had also witnessed ITC veteran Gabriel Chong evaluating on DTM Victor Ong, what a"Clash of the Titans"that lived up to its high expectation!
The winners of the evening went to:
Best Table Topic Speaker: Sun Fu
Best Assignment Speaker: Victor Ong
Best Evaluator: Gabriel Chong
They all received 1 EURO token as winner gift from Mr President

The crowd listening to the speakers presenting up front 

Our TME and TMM of the evening, Yau Fee (left) and Tsuey Miin (right)

CC Alvin won praises from his first evaluating performance as Table Topics Evaluator

Amanda did a good job taking up timer role for the first time. Left Zheng Lik and right Wei Jian 

Gabriel showing off his 1EURO token given by our President Justin Jesunathan for Best Assignment Speech Evaluator 

We were glad to have P5 Area Director Rhoda Omar as our GE, showering all members with her wisdom and guidance 
