Family @ 07 Dec'16

"Ohana means family & family means nobody gets left behind." 

Once again, it's the year's end holiday season! A kind reminder to all of us to spend more time with our families, that'll definitely bring sweet memories in the future :)

Our theme of today's meeting 'FAMILY' comes with wonderful surprise, as we welcome back our CHERISHED (i.e. Word of the Day) / long lost member; Toastmaster Hermant!

Toastmaster Hermant presenting his sharing moment 'The Place-bo Effect'

Our first-time TTM Ong Kheng Heng presented a list of well thought out Table Topics:-
TT#1 Grandfather's story.
TT#2 You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
TT#3 Marriage for money OR love?
TT#4 How do you keep world peace?
TT#5 Things your mum told you not to do, but you did it anyway.
TT#6 What is the perfect present for a brother / sister?

TT Speaker#1 Ahmad Arif, TM

TT Speaker#2 Melvin Tham, ACB & CL

TT Speaker#3 Joshua Ong (Guest), Previous Toastmaster from 
Maxis & Melbourne University Toastmasters Club

TT Speaker#4 Jeremy Teo, ACB

TT Speaker#5 Hermant, TM

TT Speaker#6 Joshua Hui, CC & CL

Whew! Six TT Speakers in a row, that's pretty intense! Well done all TT Speakers. How about some assignment speeches:-
CC4 - How to Say it (Speaker: Justin J | Evaluator: Hermant)
CC5 - Your Body Speaks (Speaker: Adam Wafi | Evaluator: Victor Lee)
SO3 - Accepting an Award (Speaker: Zheng Lik | Evaluator: Ivan Cheng)

CC4 Speech 'Mentality to Teach' by Justin J, ACB & CL

CC5 Speech 'Road Safety' by Adam Wafi, TM

SO3 Speech 'One Day Insurance will be Bought' by Zheng Lik, ACB & ALB 
(receiving ITC 'Agent of the Decade' Award)

 Table Topics Evaluator Cherie Teng, CTM & CL

CC4 Evaluator Hermant, TM

CC5 Evaluator Victor Lee, ACB & CL

SO3 Evaluator Ivan Cheng, ACS & CL

Voted Best Table Topics Speaker Melvin Tham, ACB & CL

Voted Best Assignment Speaker Adam Wafi, TM

Voted Best Assignment Speech Evaluator Ivan Cheng, ACS & CL

Warm thanks to Jeremy Teo, ACB as our meeting's General Evaluator

Special appreciation to Hermant who volunteered to help out on the various meeting roles. Thanks!
