Ah Counter

When you are the Ah Counter for the meeting

Listens for and reports on "ahs," "ums" and other speech "crutches"

This is truly an exercise in expanding one’s listening skills. The Ah counter listens carefully to everyone who speaks during the meeting for words or utterances that do not add value to the speech. These include repeated word, such as I… I, or The…the. It also includes: Ahs, ers, ums, as well as the over use of and, but, and or.

Prepare in advance

:: Prepare a brief explanation of the duties of Ah counter.

During the meeting

:: When introduced, briefly state the duties of the Ah counter.

:: During the meeting, list everyone in the room who speaks. Then record any filler words, ahs, ums, etc, and who said them. Note: Your duties start when the meeting begins, so be prepared.

:: When called on at the end of the evaluation portion of the meeting, stand by your chair and give your report.

:: Remember, the object of the report is to inform speakers of their use of filler words — not embarrass them.

:: When giving a report, it is not necessary to name each person with the count of verbal pauses. Generally, naming those who did exceptionally well and one or two of those who need to work on this habit is sufficient.

:: Be gentle to guests (and newer members).
