Joint Installation Dinner 2008/2009

On the 26th July 2008, our club, ITC Bintang together with TMIKL, TTDI and IEM jointly held our annual Installation Dinner at Bukit Gita Bayu; a residential estate surrounded by serene rainforest accompanied by a lake that offers a tranquil environment. Best for relaxation and winding down purposes.

However, it was not a bit calm or even quiet when the Toastmasters stormed in. Being loud as we are, we almost turned the whole Clubhouse upside down. I couldn't put it in words and so I let the pictures tell the whole story.....

The Clubhouse


The Honoured Clubs

Warming Up

Starting to get loud

The Presidents Swearing In

Making an indecent proposal - Notice the confused and scared look

Miss Toastmasters

And of course here are the Misters

Wa Lau Yeh!!! You can only get this big in Toastmasters ;)

Enjoying the Balloon

Limbo Rock

See, it's smooth

For the album


Tired but satisfied!!

Hoping to see all of you again next year and many years to come!!!
