Division P Christmas Party
If you missed it:
- About 40 TM and guest attended this Christmas gathering.
- Cherie and Ivan were judged by the crowd as "nice" in the table topic equivalent game of "Naughty or Nice". However, I'm very suspicious of Cherie though as I won't put it pass her to use my internet bandwidth without my knowledge
- The Christmas tree decoration contest was hilarious... Well we lost the tree so we had to improvise with volunteers who got suckered. See pictures.
- Gifts for everyone through our gift exchange from our morphed Christmas tree.
- Scotish Dancing taught by our guest Charlie. We learned the Pat a cake polka, St. Bernard Waltz and the Friendship Waltz. Aiyoh, everyone so no stamina, after first dance, everyone rushing off to drink water. But then we're a speaking club, not a sports club.
- Happy birthday to our Area P4 governor Victor Lee. I mean how is that for dedication to give up own one's birthday celebration to attend the gathering. That's call LEADERSHIP and this blog salutes you.
Photos of the evening can be seen here. Videos will be uploaded when I figure out how to upload from my iphone!