ITC Bintang and TMI KL Joint Christmas Meeting

Where: A full house at Banker’s Club for this joint meeting

How many people:47 toastmasters from at least four clubs that I came across.

Why: Well it’s the end of the year and a reason to get together before we all went away for our breaks.

Treats: Mince pies that Banker’s Club provided! Yum.. All gone.

Word of the Evening: Reconcile.

Five words to describe the night:

Brave: Ganesan, a guest of ITC Bintang and first time visitor, volunteered during table topic to speak in front of 47 people! Bravo!

Hilarious: Sanyan who joined us recently having moved from India and in the process of transferring his membership to ITC Bintang, gave a talk to introduce himself. He compared himself to what people his age had accomplished and that “Justin Timberlake had dated, broken up and gotten over Britney Spears” by the time he was Sanyan’s age

Enlightening: Victoria on the top 3 Taiwan tourist attractions not to be missed when visiting her country. Speech sponsored by Taiwan Tourism Authority! ;-)

Thoughtful: Ceril’s speech on the social construction of race, demonstrating how one can handle a sensitive subject with intelligence, rationality and dignity. Now if only our politicians can learn from him.

Scary: Shaila spoke on the downside of social media and networking. You really don’t know who you’re talking to in such situations. There is a saying that the person you’re msn or facebooking with might be a dog... figuratively or literally.. Ruff Ruff.

Next meeting: 5 Jan 2011. Federal Hotel.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
