Taking the Lead, by Learning First.

The new Executive Committee of 2012/2013 banded together for the Toastmasters Leadership Institute on the 14th of July 2012 hosted by TARC Toastmasters. The young lady flanked by gentlemen: A mere rose among thorns? Nay, a leader among men!
(From left: Gabriel Chong, Shaun Ng, Justin Kap, Tham Cinyee, Justin Jesunathan, Melvin Tham )

This is a workshop to brief and empower new or returning officers on what to expect and how to get started on charting goals and achieving them.

An agenda that occupied the entire afternoon to fill our minds with know-how and enthusiasm of serving our club well.

Justin going up to pose a question to our esteemed facilitators.

"Justin, why do you ask such a difficult question?"
~Gabriel Chong ponders

"Why not?"
~Justin Jesunathan, Mischievious VPPR

'Why not?' indeed... ITC Bintang 2012/2013 EXCO ready for business!
