Joint meeting between Anchorvale and ITC Bintang

Joint meeting between Anchorvale and ITC Bintang Toastmasters

Date :  22nd November 2014
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Venue: Wisma UTC, Melaka

Meeting was holding at level 9, Wisma UTC, Melaka.

Total member who attended the joint meeting as follow:
1) Anchorvale - 14 members
2) ITC Bintang - 17 members

Members started by introducing themselves to others

Melvin Tham From ITC Bintang introduced himself to others members

The meeting started with the Toastmaster of The Day, Justin Jesunanthan explaining the program to all the members.

There are four members from Anchorvale and ITC Bintang who delivered the basic and advance manual speeches respectively.
Look at these smiling faces while listening to the humorous speech.

At the end of the meeting, a group photo was taken to record down a memorable joint meeting.

Serious post

 Funny post
