When ITC Bintang TMC Meet Shang Hai Night

To print a unforgettable memory deep into one of our leaving club member Hop Minh Tran, TM from Vietnam, Hanai, ITC Bintang Kuala Lumpur Toastmasters Club has organised few activities. Get go thru it one-by-one.

What to do ? Where to go? hmm..

Robin: "Get on the car, let me bring you to Shang Hai"

Pretty lady with an antique cars

Hop still prefer to take bicycle.

The night is not fun without communication. How can we communicate differently? Let's do  something crazy and fun !

Let's play darts

Yet, time pass fast. Happy moment end up fast.  Hopefully this few images at the end of the day do bring all ITC Bintang members a memorable memories in life.
