18 May 2016 – Music for Soul Themed Meeting

It was another classic and mind blowing meeting at ITC BINTANG. Every member’s soul was connected to each other and touched through music. Kudos to our Toastmaster of the Evening, Robin Yap with his imaginative musical speech, and Table Topic Master, Melvin Tham who created impromptu questions from song lyrics! We travelled through the music universe, with flashing memories of the 70s, 90s song till the trending pop hits! Laughters and songs were flooding the room during the meeting, even our general evaluator grabbed the mic and sang: Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away...

Beautiful Art Poster by Justin J.

A mini TME jukebox for our stalwart Robin Yap 
Lian See had done an amazing job as the acting president 
Selina delivering her CC4 describing the beauty in  Japan 
District club growth director, Andrew Tan ACS, ALB with his wonderful closing
Usual supper after meeting, led by Jay Ko
