Once Upon A Time - We wish ...

Theme: Once upon a time
Word of the day: Wish
General Evaluator: Lim Yeu Tjuk, CTM, AFC Toastmasters Club
Another full house meeting
Even the extra chairs are filled.

Pam Lee Wen Ai delivered her sixth speech from the competent communication manual with the title: Kids

Claudia delivered her really inspiring "Because of you, I didn't give up". She finally achieved her CC title.

The room was engrossed by Claudia's speech. 

From the  Story Telling manual, Aamir, he told us about life lessons from three cancer patients' he had met

Loh Chuan Seng's roast (Special Occasion manual) of Benny Chia lifted the atmosphere of the meeting 

A sensitive but tough and thorough evaluator, Robin Yap.

A fantastic eveluator, Jack Lim, CTM.

A cake specially presented to Claudia for completing her #CC10 speech.

Best Table topic speaker - Benny Chia
Best assignment speaker - Claudia
Best evaluator - John Ng
